Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Galician Tartan

Santiago Bernárdez, a designer from Cangas de Morrezo, has started selling Galician kilts. Although Santiago lived in Scotland for five years, the idea occured to him while attending the Ortigueira Celtic Music Festival on the northern coast of Galicia.

He designed a tartan, signed up with the Tartan World Register (at a cost of €400) and called a Scottish friend to order thirty kilts. They sold quickly. He has now ordered another hundred, which are on the market for €27.99 each. The kilt is a combination of cobalt blue and navy blue with a touch of white.

Galicia is not the first foreign land to register its own tartan by any means. The likes of Germany, The Netherlands and Australia already have their own.

Info from Galician supplement in El País, 30th July, 2008.


Anonymous said...

A Galician tartan has been registered for years already.

He should have researched a bit more before making absurd claims.

Xavi_RS said...

I saw that it is registered as Gallaecia - Galician National. I think he put the name "Gallaecia" because "Galicia tartan" existed already, so I am pretty sure he knew it. I don't know if he claims it is the first "Galician" tartan, but I guess he only says it is the Galician National one.
Anyway, the tartan called Galicia has strips with the Spanish flag, so you know what I mean...